Présence au match de Jeudi

(14/12/2002 - 11/06/2005)
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Post by Solo »

Eh ben voilou . :D :D
Nous sommes 8 pour le match de jeudi!
Allez les RCA ,que la force soit avec nous jeudi!! :vador
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Post by Solo »

Je l'avais marquer sur le lien Bf 42, que l'on avaient un match jeudi soir, contre les FMT. :)
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Post by [RCA]Ttask »

Bon, ca va chier alors! RDV @ 20h30 sur IRC
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Post by TaskMaster »

Heu pour la je ne sais plus combien de fois..... Je finis de bosser à 20h30, donc je ne serais pas la a 20h30. En ce moment j'ai pas mal de taf, donc compter sur moi vers 21h15 au plus tard je pense... Dsl mais pour mes horaires faudra envoyer des pétitions à mes patrons :D
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Post by [RCA]Ttask »

pas grave, on le retardera un peu, mais pour les autres, ça serait bien d'être là en avance.
Au fait, ils changent de map et passent à Wake.
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Post by Solo »

Les FMT change de map?
Et ils veulent wake :?:
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Post by Ttask »

oui, ils l'ont dit sur IRC
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Post by Solo »

Bravo!! :D :D
On a gagner notre 1er match :!: :!: :!:
Félicitation partenaires :r1 :r1
Tonton Chevre
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Post by Tonton Chevre »

Voici en fait les vraies règles clanbase :

Ticket 100 % et temps 20mn

The following rules are the recommended settings for ClanBase Battlefield1942 Conquest Ladder matches. We suggest that you write down "Standard CB rules" in the rules field if you want to use these rules and settings. You can change specific rules in the custom matchrules fields. Please note that these rules are an addition to the General Rules!
1. Match rules and settings
Teamsize: The default number of players for a match is 8vs8. If both clans agree you can play with more or less players. The minimum is 4vs4 and the maximum is 16vs16 (due to restrictions of the game.severMaxPlayers server setting).

Game length and maps: The default length of a match is 4 x 20 minutes. This means that two maps will be played once as axis and once as allies by both clans. Both clans can choose 1 map and will have to specify which map they want to play in the challenge. The match starts on the challengers map where the challenged clan chooses which side to play first. On the second map the challenger will choose which side they want to play first. This should be agreed upon prior to entering the server in order to produce minimal delay or missunderstanding during the war. If both clans agree, a match can be played on 1 map (2x20 minutes).

Scoring system: Matches are won with total tickets left, not map wins. Total tickets left on both maps are added up to determine the final score.

Serversettings: The following server settings are standard for ClanBase ladder matches. If you want to play with different settings you should write them in the challenge rules. The challenged clan will have the right to decline the challenge if they don't agree on the settings.

game.serverDedicated 1
0 - non dedicated, 1 - dedicated
game.serverGameTime 20
Round time limit in minutes. 0 = unlimited.
game.serverMaxPlayers 32
Maximum number of players.
game.serverScoreLimit 0
Score limit in TDM and CTF. 0 = unlimited.
game.serverNumberOfRounds 2
Number of rounds before map change.
game.serverSpawnTime 20
Spawn time in seconds, i.e. time between waves.
game.serverSpawnDelay 10
Spawn delay in seconds, i.e. the time the wave is active.
game.serverGameStartDelay 90
Delay before game starts - this is the time people can use to ready up.
game.serverSoldierFriendlyFire 100
F riendly fire in percent versus soldiers.
game.serverVehicleFriendlyFire 100
Friendly fire in percent versus vehicles.
game.serverTicketRatio 100
Ticket ratio in percent. 100 % = default ticket settings. 200 % = twice the number of tickets.
game.serverAlliedTeamRatio 1 / game.serverAxisTeamRatio 1
Team ratio Allied versus Axis.1-2, means twice the number of axis players.
game.serverPassword "yourpassword"
The server password
game.ServerBandwidthChokeLimit 0
Limit: bytes / second. 0 = unlimited
game.ServerAllowNoseCam 1
Nose cam on/off (1/0) when flying planes.
game.ServerFreeCamera 0
Free camera on/off (1/0)
game.ServerExternalViews 1
External views on vehicles on/off (1/0).
game.ServerAutoBalanceTeams 0
Automatic teambalancing on/off (1/0).
game.ServerNameTagDistance 50
Name tag distance.
game.ServerNameTagDistanceScope 300
Nname tag distance when using scope.
game.ServerKickBack 0
Kickback damage received when hurting teammates in percent.
game.ServerKickBackOnSplash 0
Kickback splash damage received when hurting teammates in percent.
game.setServerSoldierFriendlyFireOnSplash 100
F riendly fire from splash damage in percent vs soldiers.
game.setServerVehicleFriendlyFireOnSplash 100
F riendly fire from splash damage in percent vs vehicles.
2. Miscellaneous rules
If a player drops because of a technical error you should pause the match.
The maximum time you can pause is 5 minutes, which is enough time to reboot and reconnect. If one team has paused the match for a total of more than 15 minutes, the other team may demand that the match continues without waiting for the missing players.
If all the players on one team drop because of a technical error, the other team should wait at least 5 minutes before leaving the server.
If one team willingly leaves the server before the match is finished, the clan that stayed is awarded the remaining tickets from both sides (axis and allies).
If the server crashes before 5 minutes of a map has been played, the map will be replayed from the start. If it crashes after the 5th minute, the remaining time will be played.
If a server crashes more than 2 times during a match, either clan may demand a serverchange.
Spectators are only allowed on the server if both clans agree.
3. Cheating and anti-cheating
Except for voice communication programs like TeamSpeak and BattleCom, all programs running outside of BF1942 which affect the gameplay are illegal. Everything that alters the gameplay of BF1942 beyond what was originally intended by the creators of the mod is not allowed. This is a pretty global description but we rely on you to know right from wrong. To give an example: The bloodpatch is not allowed.
Because there are always things that are 'on the edge' we will handle a few things we get a lot of questions about (This list will be updated when needed):
The use of scripts that change the way BF1942 was made, such as 'enemytagview', 'centerview' and 'norecoil', are not allowed.
Custom models and skins are not allowed. This goes for the player models and skins as well as the weapon models and skins.
Using the bloodpatch is not allowed.
Custom map textures are not allowed.
4. Maplist
The following list is the default maplist for all Conquest ladders:

Battle of Midway
Battle of the Bulge
El Alamein
Iwo Jima
Omaha Beach
Operation Battleaxe
Operation Market Garden
Wake Island
Le Blond
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Post by Le Blond »

ca c'est utile a savoir pour les matchs :), thx tonton chevre :mrgreen:
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Post by [RCA]FOX »

Tiens un collégue ! :D

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